Who Are Behind Woodrouterguru?
Hello there, welcome to Woodrouterguru. We started our journey back in 2018 and there was a motive for this blog. I am James Walton and my woodworking is Laura Anderson (She is my pretty wife and mother of my two kids). We both kind of love while we made our mini and big home projects like making garden timber bench, garden trails, a closet for garage, pedestal table, wooden cart for our kids, patio chairs, island deck, stairs from home to garden, umbrella table for our swimming pool area, arbor for the garden, self-watering planter, and many more.
We both have been decorating our home, garden, and pool area with our projects. Well, I am a professional wood seller and exploring a lot of wood projects till now. My helping mate and love of my life are also supporting me each of the moment.
Why Did We Start?
Well, there are a lot of things that would start without any reason, but no reason also has a reason. One day I was just searching for a quick solution over the internet and I couldn’t find it anywhere but later on, I solved that and I was so happy with myself. And that day, at the dinner time, Laura suggested I open my blog to help people with those solutions that they are searching for. I found her suggestion very attractive and I get on the ride to search for a domain name instantly and started over.
What’s Out Motive?
Our ultimate goal was to share solutions for woodworking gadgets and let you guys know what’s the best solution that you can ever interact with. Mostly you will find me busy working with a wood router and that’s where my passion works mostly. If you want to be very involved with the woodworking projects but mean to make them sustain successfully, then you must at least start with the router for your projects. To make any design or sculpture, you have to make sure you are having at least one router machine at your home.
Why Would You Follow Us?
Well, that’s totally up to you. We are continuously sharing our life experiences with you guys. So, you can finish off the woodworking projects sincerely in time without any mess is our goal. And we are also reviewing all the router machines, and router bits that can come across your way before you keep your hand on any projects. So, why miss these amazing guidelines and reviews? So, keep following us.
Write to Us?
It might happen if you are not finding the solution for any mess that arises, then let us know what you are facing, we will be trying to solve that for you. And if also want to share any solution that’s worthy of publishing in our blog, you can let us know that too. You can mail us at [email protected], and we are 24/7 available for you. Well, if I’m off the desk and need some time to reply, please hold on there. You will get an answer surely!